Originally, I was gonna file this under gigglesnorts. But I really think it falls more under a WTF? Because, obviously.
Inside out?
Upside down?
Japanese? (I don’t really think so, think so, think so, think so.)
Actually…I’m turning 40. 40. The big four-oh. Ugh.
My mom used to have a refrigerator magnet that said:
Of course, at the time, I was neither 40 nor pregnant. I thought the magnet was silly and told my mother as much. She just laughed and said that she agreed with the sentiment. Fine mom, whatEVER!
Well, 40 is quickly approaching, and I have been pregnant a time or two. I no longer think that my mother’s magnet was silly, but I haven’t quite figured out whether or not I agree with the statement.
Until recently, my age has never bothered me. I’ve been lucky enough to not look my age (and THANKYOUVERYMUCH to whomever had a hand in that!). And I haven’t really exeperienced any real mid-life crisis feelings, unless you count the fact that I’ve poked more holes in my head (like I need more of those, right?). No boy toys, no sports cars, etc. Maybe that happens after I turn 40? Time will have to tell on that.
The only times I have even been slightly weirded out about my age is when I think of how I have an 19-year old son who is in college. College. Oh my GAWD I’m old! It also doesn’t really help that I’m in college now too (can you say potential paradox?).
Over a year ago, I decided that I had no intention of spending my 40th birthday in Utah. No. Way. In. Hell. I was gonna do something fun and something REALLY BIG. And I knew that I wanted to share it with one of my dearest friends. I didn’t even have any idea of what to do then, but she said she was totally up for it. So I put my thinking cap on. I heard the gears turning up there and smelled smoke a couple of times but got no real result. Well…..CRAP!
Then I remembered how much fun I had on a cruise to Cabo I took in 2007 with my friend & an amazing group of gals. And I thought THAT’S WHAT WE SHOULD DO! We always talked of taking another cruise somewhere. And is there a more perfect reason than to commiserate celebrate with someone who is depressed about getting over the hill super excited about being 40 and SEXY!
So in less than two months, we are off on a cruise to the Bahamas! WOOT! I cannot tell you how excited I am to be spending my 40th birthday doing something really big, just like I planned. And with such great women. I know it will be a birthday to remember…..in a good way.
I wouldn’t consider myself a pack rat. Now. When I was younger, though, I started to come pretty darn close. I kept EVERYTHING.
You, know how it is. You keep every little thing because you just KNOW that someday you will need it or be able to use it.
You need more space to store every little thing you keep because you just KNOW that someday you will need it or be able to use it.
You need a bigger home to get more space to store every little thing you keep because you just KNOW that someday you will need it or be able to use it.
You need more money to pay for the bigger home to get more space to store every little thing you keep because you just KNOW that someday you will need it or be able to use it.
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. (There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. I don’t know why she swalloed the fly. Perhaps she’ll die.) I guess you could say the things I have kept are my fly.
Moving has always offered an opportunity to get rid of some stuff. Why pack it when you can purge it, right? Right. But no matter how much I get rid of, I think I only get through the surface and maybe 2-3 underlying layers. Tops.
And then I just start amassing NEW stuff. Such a vicous cycle.
Well, I’m getting closer to breaking the cycle. The downfall of my marriage, my impending “over the hill” status, and getting thrown out on my collective career-ass, just to name a few, have me thinking of ways to simplify my life. FAST.
I’m starting with closing my MK business. Honestly, it’s time. I’ve been trying to decide what to do with it ever since I started, but never actually DOING anything with it. On any level. I just don’t see that getting any better in the near future, so I’m kickin’ it to the curb for now.
Another purge category that is long overdue is my craft items. For years, I was a psychotic craft shopper. Let me clarify something, though. SHOPPING does not imply CREATING. I had ideas of really cool craft projects out the wazoo! Sadly, the ideas never quite panned out or didn’t look as good in real life as they did in my head. Man, everything looks/sounds/feels/is SO much better in my head. Maybe I should just go live there!
The last on my list right now are my collectibles. The Bradford Edition plates that hung on a wall for a mere year out of the decade and a half that I have had them. Oh, and my Cherished Teddies. What the HELL was I thinking? Sure, they are freakin cute as hell, and did manage to be on display in my house(s) for a little longer than the plates. But ever since the hostage crisis began (I really do need to explain that sometime, don’t I?), they have been nothing more than garage dust collectors. I don’t really think that was the artist’s intention and it certainly wasn’t mine either.
eBay/Craigslist/KSL.com and the like are prolly gonna become my temporary best friends here soon. And hopefully things get a little (or a lot) simpler in my life. Think I can sell the husband? Cuz that would REALLY simplify my life lemme tell ya.
So, I’m curious who else out there is a closet pack rat? Come purge with me peeps! You know you want to.
I totally have dain bramage, but it’s not from playing foot-bawl without my hehmet and my showdah-mah-pads.
Thanks Tanya for this blast from the past.
Last night, it was raining on my way home from class but I didn’t think anything of it. And then this was what I woke up to this morning:
Pretty, huh? I still think it’s too early, though, to say the weather people were right. I’M KEEPING AN EYE ON YOU PEOPLE! YOU HAVEN’T WON ME OVER YET!
So, it was below freezing this morning, snow on the ground, ice on my car door handles, and what did I do?
Went to Starbucks and got a mocha frappuccino. Just in case.
I’m just kidding about the old part.
Today marks the 234th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. 234 years. Wow. I really did not know that the USMC had been around for that long. Growing up, I could only really equate the Marines with Gomer Pyle, which didn’t mean much except that the show was funnier than shit!
Aw come on! Are you kidding me? What do you mean you don’t know who Gomer Pyle is?
Well Go-ollly! Talk to the hand. TALK TO THE HAND!
So, Happy Birthday USMC! And thankyouthankyouTHANKYOU to all past, present, and future Marines.
Wait a minute. Don’t go thinking that I’m playing favorites with the Marines. My thanks go out to ALL branches of the military. I’m an equal opportunity military supporter. Why else would I have married first an Army guy and then a Navy guy? I’m totally supportive of the military. Either than or I’m totally sadistic. What’s next? A Marine? Hmmmm…..there’s a thought.
Yes I miss you. Call me.
I don’t believe love is elusive.
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