Earlier this week, I had to tell Ash that her aunt and uncle were killed. She took it pretty hard; harder than I expected actually. All I could do was hold her and let her cry it out. The Ex and I both knew I was better equipped to deliver the bad news to her, but if I never have to do that again, it will be too soon
The next couple of days were filled with discussions about how all the different emotions she was feeling were totally normal, but that life still goes on, whether we like it or not. And that her aunt and uncle wouldn’t want her to be completely consumed by sadness, but would want her to focus on the good memories she had of them and keep them alive in her heart.
We are still waiting for the bodies to be brought back the US and find out when the memorial service will be held. There will be no true closure for anyone until that happens.
The driver of the SUV was injured in the accident, but he survived. Just days after the accident, he was charged with multiple counts of careless driving and was levied with a $4500 fine, which must be paid before he can leave New Zealand. I imagine the fine is really nothing compared to the constant reminder that his killed his wife and two friends. That is punishment enough to me.
Knowing The Ex as I do, though, I texted that he needs to forgive the driver. I doubt he will.